1. clustifyr::cbmc_m
    reference marker matrix from seurat citeseq CBMC tutorial
  2. clustifyr::cbmc_ref
    reference matrix from seurat citeseq CBMC tutorial
    matrix|2000 x 13
  3. clustifyr::downrefs
    table of references stored in clustifyrdata
  4. clustifyr::human_genes_10x
    Vector of human genes for 10x cellranger pipeline
  5. clustifyr::mouse_genes_10x
    Vector of mouse genes for 10x cellranger pipeline
  6. clustifyr::object_loc_lookup
    lookup table for single cell object structures
  7. clustifyr::pbmc_markers
    Marker genes identified by Seurat from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  8. clustifyr::pbmc_markers_M3Drop
    Marker genes identified by M3Drop from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  9. clustifyr::pbmc_matrix_small
    Matrix of single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  10. clustifyr::pbmc_meta
    Meta-data for single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  11. clustifyr::pbmc_vargenes
    Variable genes identified by Seurat from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  12. ggtrace::clusters
    Mock clusters
  13. ggtrace::stocks
    EuStockMarkets in long format